MyLake 3D Aquarium


Dive into a beautiful 3D aquarium on your device!

MyLake is a freshwater aquarium that fits in your pocket – customize your tank and interact with the fish, or just sit back and enjoy life in a tropical lake.

Featuring many types of vibrant tropical fish, MyLake includes species-specific movement and interaction. You can individually select the inhabitants of your aquarium, feed the fish, and even annoy them by tapping on the "glass".

Two dynamic cameras let you choose your view: The fish camera allows you to zoom in on a fish, automatically following its movements, and the auto camera focuses on points of interest while you relax. Use common touchscreen gestures to control the camera, sound, and to easily choose fish for your aquarium.

It’s never been easier to enjoy the benefits of an aquarium – from stress relief to learning about fish care, MyLake puts it all in the palm of your hand!

- Observe realistic animations, behavior, and interactions of 14 species of 3D fish in the free version (more than 40 in the Premium version)
- Customize two aquariums, selecting backgrounds, accessories, and the perfect mixture of species
- Customize up to five aquariums in the Premium version
- Participate in detailed interaction with your fish, including feeding and knocking on the front "glass" to annoy them
- Move and zoom easily using common touchscreen gestures
- View your aquarium in soothing shades of midnight blue

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MyLake是適合你的口袋有淡水水族館 - 自定義你的坦克,並與魚互動,或坐視不理,在熱帶湖泊享受生活。



這是從來沒有如此輕鬆享受水族館的好處 - 從應力釋放了解魚護。 MyLake所說的一切都在你的手掌!

- 觀察逼真的動畫,行為,以及超過40種的3D魚的相互作用
- 自定義多達五個水族箱,選擇背景,配件,和物種的完美結合的產物
- 參與詳細交互與你的魚,包括餵養和敲前面的“玻璃”把他們惹惱了
- 移動和縮放輕鬆使用普通觸摸屏的手勢
- 查看你的水族館在午夜藍的色調柔和



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