“PWS Manager” is a dedicated application for “Portable Wireless Server” from Sony.
Connect “Portable Wireless Server”to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch via Wi-Fi and you can browse the content in “Portable Wireless Server” and operate (copy, delete and so on)
using this App.
For iOS 9 or earlier user, please download older version of this app following a message "Download an older version of this app?".
Compatibility between iOS and PWS Manager versions is as follows:
- iOS 5 : version 1.3
- iOS 6, iOS 7 : version 1.5
- iOS 8 : version 1.6.3
- iOS 9 : version 1.7
Main features of PWS (Portable Wireless Server)
1. Playback/View content
- Playback/View the content stored on Memory card inserted into PWS.
- Playback/View the content stored on USB device connected t o PWS.
- Playback/View the content within camera roll of iPhone, iPad or iPod touch that you are operating.
2. Copy files
- Copy files between memory card inserted into PWS, USB device connected to PWS
and iPhone, iPad or iPod touch that you are operating.
3.Use as memory card R/W
- Connect PWS to PC via USB cable and you can use as external card R/W.
4.Use as Power charger
- Connect via USB cable and PWS can supply power to a Smartphone or a camera.
“PWS Manager” is a dedicated application for “Portable Wireless Server” from Sony.
Connect “Portable Wireless Server” to your Android device via Wi-Fi and you can
browse the content in “Portable Wireless Server” and operate (copy, delete and so on)
using this App.
Main features of PWS (Portable Wireless Server)
1. Playback/View content
- Playback/View the content stored on Memory card inserted into PWS.
- Playback/View the content stored on USB device connected t o PWS.
- Playback/View the content within Android device that you are operating.
2. Copy files
- Copy files between memory card inserted into PWS, USB device connected to PWS and Android device that you are operating.
3.Use as memory card R/W
- Connect PWS to PC via USB cable and you can use as external card R/W.
4.Use as Power charger
- Connect via USB cable and PWS can supply power to Smartphone or camera.
Promotion Video for “Portable Wireless Server”
Help Guide
Supported OS
Android 2.3 - 6.0
On Android 6.0 devices, the PWS Manager cannot support with Portable Wireless Server "WG-C10" in some functions. Please refer to the web site below for details.
*The customer who uses WG-C10.
- 播放/瀏覽存儲插入PWS存儲卡上的內容。
- 播放/瀏覽存儲在連接牛逼ØPWS USB設備上的內容。
- 回放/查看您所操作的Android設備中的內容。
- 存儲卡之間複製文件插入到PWS,連接到您在操作PWS和Android設備的USB設備。
3.使用如存儲卡R / W
- 通過USB電纜連接到PWS PC和您可以為外置卡R / W使用。
- 通過USB電纜連接和PWS能夠為智能手機或相機供電。
安卓2.3 - 6.0
在Android 6.0設備上,PWS管理器不能用手提式無線服務器“WG-C10”在一些功能上的支持。請參閱網站以了解詳情。