Paper Toss Boss


The mega-hit Paper Toss game franchise just got a big promotion to Paper Toss Boss!
Paper Toss Boss: more papery, tossy, and bossy than ever before! (It’s cool, tossy is a word now, don’t worry about it.) There are tons of things to throw and oodles of things to throw them at! Score.

- 16 unique items to toss, from classic wads of paper to the epic rubber band ball
- 10 dynamic environments of varying difficulty in which to toss around
-Break, blow up, and burn the objects found around the office (?)
- Toss stuff at the Boss and other co-workers to annoy them (in game, not real life — but we won’t tell if you pretend it’s real life)
- Missions offer challenges to show off your paper (and non-paper) tossing skills in exchange for awesome rewards
- Moving targets, bank shots, and bunches of baskets will test the true prowess of your paper tossing skills
- Power-ups boost your scores and mix up the gameplay for a variety of fun ways to toss
- Game Center leaderboards and achievements so you can challenge your friends and smite your adversaries

Remember those pesky “Hey, you hit me!” co-workers from the original Paper Toss? Well now you can throw right at them! (You devil, you.) You’ll still score points for flicking wads of paper into the office trash can, now with a handsome new ergonomic design! Plus, try your skills with flaming paper balls, tossable bananas, tomatoes, grenades, and other fun stuff to hurl in classic office settings and more. What are you waiting for?! Get tossing!

Install Paper Toss Boss for FREE today!
PLEASE NOTE! Paper Toss Boss is completely free to play, but some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases. Plays best on devices like iPhone 5 or iPad 4/iPad Mini 2 and better.
Paper Toss Boss is brought to you by Backflip Studios, makers of absurdly fun mobile games like DragonVale, NinJump, and Transformers: Earth Wars, and is a proud partner of Hasbro, Inc.

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Paper Toss Boss(投纸团:老板):前所未有的真实纸团、投掷乐趣以及跋扈的老板!(太酷了,投掷乐趣现在也是一个词儿了,不要担心。)其中有大量的东西可以去投掷,并且有无数的东西可以去砸中!得分。
-Google Play排行榜以及成就榜,令你可以挑战你的朋友们并重创敌手

还记得最初的Paper Toss(投纸团)中那些恼怒的抱怨吗:“嘿,你打到我了!”?现在,你可以直接冲着他们投纸团了!(你这个淘气鬼,你。)你仍可以将纸团潇洒弹入办公室垃圾桶而得分,只是现在又添加了全新的人体工程学设计!此外,你还可以在经典办公室等环境中用力猛投燃烧着的纸团、可投掷的香蕉、西红柿、手榴弹以及其他有趣的东西来一试身手。你还在等什么?!准备投掷吧!

立即免费安装Paper Toss Boss(投纸团:老板)!
请注意!Paper Toss Boss(投纸团:老板)是一款免费游戏,但是部分游戏物品仍可能需要用真实钱币购买。如果你不想使用这些特性,请禁用应用程序内购买功能。
Paper Toss Boss(投纸团:老板)由Backflip Studios为你精彩呈现,Backflip Studios同时还是DragonVale、NinJump以及Transformers:Earth Wars等超精彩手游的制作团队,同时也是Hasbro, Inc.的合作伙伴。

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