Paranormal Territory 2


Caution: this game is a test of your courage, at the end of you'll see your result.

Does your mind starved for puzzles, and your nerves from thrill? Well, then horror "Paranormal Territory 2" from "AGaming+" will shake you to the core! Turn off the light and take your headset. But be careful, only your vigilance can help you to escape from the paws of the horror that is happening here.

Our story starts at small outback. Once on a wonderful day, you got message from unknown frightened people, who tells you about strange and unexplainable and even mystical events that occurs in theyr home. You are interested in that because you are investigating such ocassions and paranormal activity. What a great chance to learn more about nature of these anomalies! You are urgently going to the address that was in the message.

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請問你的心靈渴求疑惑,並刺激你的神經?好了,那麼恐怖“超自然領地2”“AGaming +”你會動搖的核心!關燈並把你的耳機。但要小心,只有你的警惕可以幫助你從這裡發生的恐怖的爪子逃脫。


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