Pipedrive – Sales CRM


Stay on top of your sales pipeline with the iOS app for Pipedrive.

Pipedrive is a powerful sales CRM for small teams with big ambitions. It helps you focus on the right contacts and gives you more control over your sales results.

With Pipedrive for iOS you can access your contacts, deal history and to-do's, create tasks and take meeting notes wherever you are - all changes are instantly synced to Pipedrive web app.

∙ Access your to-do list and contacts instantly.
∙ Log your phone calls.
∙ Explore your business on a map view.
∙ Schedule better with a smart agenda view while planning new activities.
∙ Look up customer and deal details on the go.
∙ Access files related to your contacts and deals.
∙ Record or type meeting and call notes - synced instantly to web app.
∙ Powerful offline syncing for those long flights and metro rides.
∙ Start new calls and emails with just one click.
∙ Get the powerful combination of mobile + web.

A Pipedrive account is required to use Pipedrive for iOS.

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使用適用於Android的Pipedrive,您將始終處於銷售渠道之上。無論您身在何處,都可以訪問您的聯繫人,創建任務並記錄會議記錄 - 所有更改都會立即同步到Pipedrive Web應用程序。它可以幫助您專注於正確的聯繫人,並讓您更好地控制您的銷售結果。

- 確定來電是否與來電顯示的潛在銷售相關
- 自動將撥出電話與銷售線索相關的活動聯繫起來
- 立即訪問您的待辦事項列表和聯繫人。
- 隨時隨地查詢客戶和交易詳情。
- 添加會議和通話記錄 - 立即同步到網絡應用程序。
- 只需輕輕一按即可開始新的通話和電子郵件。
- 記錄電話。
- 在地圖視圖中探索您的業務。
- 獲得移動+網絡的強大組合。

Pipedrive帳戶需要使用Pipedrive for Android。您可以直接在應用上註冊免費試用版。

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