一款開放世界沙盒建造遊戲,擁有出色的3D圖形引擎。 - 應用意見
- 可建造數百件物品。
- 巨大的開放世界。
- 即刻建造。
- 漂亮的3D圖形。
- 每次更新都添加了新物品。
- 所有物品均已解鎖。
- 無限可能。
- 建築物,樹木,人類,動物,圍欄,道路,城堡,頭骨,桶,農場,橋樑,塔,房屋,岩石,還可加載更多!
- 在世界任何地方建造、旋轉和放置物品。
- 控制相機檢視,旋轉,縮放。
- 3D觸控支持。
- 觸覺反饋。
Have you ever wanted to make your own little fantasy world? A farm, some kind of castle, or just an epic fantasy city? Pocket Build is an open world game where you can build with no limitations or restrictions. Build whatever you like, whenever you like, however you like. The possibilities are endless!
"An open world sandbox building game with a great 3D graphics engine." - AppAdvice
Castles, trees, fences, people, animals, farms, bridges, towers, houses, rocks, land, it's all their for the building. The only limit is your imagination!
- Hundreds of items to build.
- Huge open world.
- Build instantly.
- Beautiful 3D graphics.
- New items added every update.
- All items unlocked.
- Endless possibilities.
-Buildings, Trees, People, Animals, Fences, Pathways, Castles, Skulls, Barrels, Farms, Bridges, Towers, Houses, Rocks, and loads more!
- Build, rotate, and place items anywhere in the world.
- Control the camera view, rotate, zoom.
- 3D touch support.
- Haptic feedback.
The possibilities are endless! Build your own city, build your own world, build your own castle, be creative, craft your land, build a town, create your own adventure, build anywhere in an open world. Become a Pocket Builder today!