Portrait painting HD


Portrait painting HD has 1187 paintings, created by the greatest masters of all times from Renaissance to Contemporary history.

You will find here most popular portrait masters:
- Leonardo da Vinci,
- Anthony van Dyck,
- Vermeer,
- Diego Velasquez,
- Francisco de Goya,
- Jacques-Louis David,
- Vincent Van Gogh,
- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
... and many other!

You can find here the greatest works, such as
- “The Lacemaker” by Vermeer,
- "Saint Martin and the Beggar" by El Greco,
- "Bonaparte at the Pont d’Arcole, November 17, 1796" by Antoine-Jean Gros
- and "Woman with a Parasol" by Claude Monet.

We could not leave behind the famous "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo Da Vinci. This painting is the most valuable masterpiece in the world of art to be the greatest symbol of portrait-painting.

All pictures are in HD format!

The app supports HD mode viewing – is for more better and detailed examination!

Key Features:
- 1187 paintings, created by the greatest portrait-painters of all times
- Wide search options, various filtering settings and friendly interface
- Mailing
- HD paintings can be saved to a device photo album.
- Change the painting size (zoom mode)
- Slideshow mode

Use all the visual advantages of your device with the "Portrait painting HD"! This is the best collection of portraitures ever done in HD quality. Download our app and joint to the high art!

To see news about our apps sales, follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/evo_apps

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“肖像畫高清”有1187幅畫作,由歷史上最偉大的大師創作,代表從文藝復興到當代歷史的時間。最受歡迎的肖像畫大師是:達芬奇,安東尼範戴克,維米爾,迭戈維拉斯克斯,弗朗西斯科戈雅,雅克 - 路易斯大衛,文森特梵高,亨利德圖盧茲 - 洛特雷克等人。

在我們的應用程序中,您可以找到最偉大的作品,例如Vermeer的“The Lacemaker”,El Greco的“Saint Martin and the Beggar”,Baron Antoine的“1796年11月17日在Pont d'Arcole的Bonaparte” - 讓·格羅斯和克勞德·莫奈(Claude Monet)將“女人與陽傘女人”更稱為“莫奈夫人和她的兒子”。

我們不能留下Leonardo Da Vinci著名的“蒙娜麗莎”。這幅畫是藝術界最有價值的傑作,是肖像畫的最大象徵。

該應用程序支持幾種模式來查看繪畫。微型模式 - 用於隨意檢查;標準模式 - 用於更詳細的檢查,HD模式 - 用於更好和詳細的檢查。默認情況下,該應用程序不支持並具有高清繪畫,但它們可以隨時下載。下載可以是設備存儲器;或者可以將繪畫發送到指定的電子郵件地址以保存設備內存。

- 1187幅畫作,由有史以來最偉大的肖像畫家創作
- 廣泛的搜索選項,各種過濾設置和友好的界面
- 郵寄
- 高清繪畫可以保存到設備相冊中。
- 更改繪畫大小(縮放模式)
- 幻燈片模式

使用“Portrait painting HD”將您設備的所有視覺優勢運用起來!這是有史以​​來高清品質的最佳肖像集。下載我們的應用程序,並與高科技聯合!

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