Like crosswords but with squares and numbers. This game is based on the asian riddles known as picross, griddler and nonogram. It’s a real mind challenge wrapped in a fun experience where you need to think and use your brains to succeed.
To decipher our puzzle grids, you will use numbers indicating which squares to activate in each grid based on simple rules. Each number tells you where to add squares in a row or a column. You can compare it to sudoku or crosswords with more fun brain training. You will learn easily, progress rapidly and quickly get addicted! It will blow you mind!
Riddle Stones offers a fascinating cross-over between crosswords, sudoku, minesweeper and other puzzles based on numbers where you cross the hints to find which squares to activate. But be careful and think right, if you tap the wrong square, you will trigger a trap!
Fans of picross, nonogram, griddler, paint by numbers rejoice and enjoy Riddle Stones...
Solve grid cross-puzzles by logic & deduction! PLAY NOW!
Also available on Facebook.
Riddle Stones is completely free to play, but some in-game items such as extra lives require payment.
Riddle Stones 是一種邏輯遊戲,可以訓練你的大腦:就像填字遊戲,但有方塊和數字。該遊戲基於被稱為 picross、griddler 和 nonogram 的亞洲謎語。這是一個真正的思維挑戰,包含在有趣的體驗中,您需要思考並使用您的大腦才能取得成功。
Riddle Stones 在填字遊戲、數獨和其他基於數字的謎題之間提供了有趣的交叉,您可以在其中交叉提示以找到要激活的方塊。但要小心,想對了,如果你點擊錯誤的方塊,你會觸發一個陷阱!
Riddle Stones 是完全免費的,但一些遊戲內物品(例如額外生命)需要付費。
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