Elite SAS operatives handle the darkest missions, the worst hot zones - things we are not meant to know. Inserted without backup, either alone or as a 4 person squad, you will be sought by the walking dead, by hordes of unspeakable numbers. Your only option - paint the ground with every last one of them.
From the creators of Bloons TD 5 comes the best action shooter on iOS! Rank up 50 times and unlock awesome weapons and perks with every rank. Dozens of guns and special weapons, 5 unique maps, and hundreds of zombies on screen at a time.
And that's just single player! Play co-op multiplayer at any time with super-easy matchmaking geared to your level. Huge fun to jump into a game at the same time with friends, and doesn't matter what iOS you have - iPads play seamlessly with iPhones.
Based on the ground-breaking flash game by Ninja Kiwi, but completely rebuilt and optimized for iOS, SAS 3 has been battle hardened by millions of plays and undergone extensive tuning and balancing to create the best action shooter available on the App Store!
Killer Features:
- Intense zombie-blasting action shooter gameplay!
- Eviscerate the zombie hordes in single player or in 4 player co-op multiplayer
- 50 Ranks to unlock, each granting access to a new weapon or perk
- 44 devastating weapons like Auto Shotguns, Browning Machine Guns, Flamethrowers, and RPGs
- 2 Sentry gun classes and 3 grenade types for serious room clearing
- 5 challenging maps, each with very different hazards and kill zones
- 9 relentless zombie types, with graphics that support hundreds on screen
- 3 vicious game modes - Onslaught, Purge, and Apocalypse
- Multiplayer play from anywhere in the world, whether on iPad, iPhone, or other smartphone platforms
Updated Login System helps prevent data loss, and assists support in recovery. Please do not try to use your Ninja Kiwi web login - this is a separate system, so you'll need to create a separate login.
從BLOONS TD 5,Android上最好的殭屍射擊遊戲的創造者!免費的!
最新消息:真棒新地圖 - 電子廠在中國
精英SAS操作工處理最黑暗的使命,最糟糕的熱區 - 事情,我們是注定不會知道。無插入備份,單獨或作為一個4人小隊,你會被行屍走肉受到追捧,有口難言的數字成群。你唯一的選擇 - 油漆地面與他們的每一個最後一個。
而這僅僅是單人遊戲!發揮合作社多人,隨時與超易牽線搭橋面向你的水平。巨大的樂趣跳進一個遊戲的同時與朋友,不要緊,你有什麼設備 - Android和iOS用戶可以無縫地一起玩。
基於由忍者獼猴桃突破性的Flash遊戲,但完全重建,並為Android優化的SAS 3已經戰鬥了數以百萬計的戲劇硬化,進行了廣泛的調節和平衡,以創造最佳的動作射擊遊戲可在遊戲市場!
★3狠毒的遊戲模式 - 猛攻,清除和啟示