BB-8™, BB-9E™, R2-D2™ and R2-Q5™ are Astromech Droids from a galaxy far, far away.... Powered by the new Star Wars ™ App-Enabled Droids by Sphero, drive your Droids, send them on patrol together, and more.
Using the app and the Watch With Me feature, your Droids will interact together as you view films from the Star Wars saga with BB-8, BB-9E, R2-D2, and R2-Q5 reacting by your side.
Begin a new adventure with holographic simulations alongside your Sphero BB-8 or BB-9E Droid with the new Droid Trainer accessory. Place your BB-8 or BB-9E Droid in the trainer, open the Star Wars Droids App by Sphero, and see the product come to life within this new experience. Don’t worry, R2-D2 and R2-Q5 won’t miss out. These Astromech Droids allow you to to start your journey simply with the app.
Each Droid has their own specific environments to explore. BB-8 tours the Raddus, a Resistance Cruiser, BB-9E takes you through the Supremacy, a First Order Star Destroyer, R2-D2 can explore the Millennium Falcon, and R2-Q5 explores the Death Star II.
The Star Wars Droids App by Sphero also includes improved Draw & Drive functionality, a new dynamic driving pad, and new animations specific to each Droid.
Features include:
Slide your finger on the driving pad to guide your Droids. BB-8, BB-9E, R2-D2, and R2-Q5 will go wherever you point and hold.
Tap into Patrol to send your Droids exploring on their own. Autonomous behavior allows them to move around, get familiar with your space, and investigate the surroundings.
The Watch With Me feature allows your Droids to watch films from the Star Wars saga with you. Select this option while charging your Droids, start the movie, and see how all 4 interact and react along with the movies.
Roam iconic ship interiors and memorable locations from the Star Wars saga, and more. Each Droid has different holographic environments to enjoy.
Enable Human Interactions or Droid Interactions mode to watch your Droids emote and engage independently from direction given in the app.
BB-8™,BB-9E™,R2-D2™和R2-Q5™是來自遙遠星系的Astromech機器人。...由Sphero全新啟用Star Wars™App的Droids驅動,驅動您的機器人,將它們一起發送巡邏,等等。
通過全息模擬與Sphero BB-8或BB-9E Droid一起使用新的Droid Trainer配件開始新的冒險。將您的BB-8或BB-9E Droid放在教練機中,打開Sphero的 Star Wars Droids App,並在這種新體驗中看到產品的生命。不用擔心,R2-D2和R2-Q5不會錯過。這些Astromech Droids允許您僅通過該應用程序開始您的旅程。
每個Droid都有自己的特定環境供探索。 BB-8遊覽Raddus,一艘抵抗巡洋艦,BB-9E帶領您完成霸權,一階星際驅逐艦,R2-D2可以探索千年獵鷹,R2-Q5可以探索死亡之星II。
Sphero的 Star Wars Droids App還包括改進的“繪製和驅動”功能,新的動態駕駛墊以及特定於每個Droid的新動畫。
在驅動墊上滑動手指以引導Droids。 BB-8,BB-9E,R2-D2和R2-Q5會隨身攜帶並指向任何地方。
啟用“人機互動”或“ Droid互動”模式即可觀看您的Droids表情,並獨立於應用程序中指定的方向進行互動。