"StationRadar" lets you easily find and manage your AirStation from your iOS device.
To use "StationRadar", your iOS device should be connected to the same network as your AirStation.
- Find your AirStation
- Access Settings and manage your AirStation
- Check AirStation's status
Compatible Products: AirStations that support configuration from mobile devices. (*)
* For the products below, update the firmware to version 2.08 or later before using this application.
- WZR-1166DHP
- WZR-1750DHP
"StationRadar" lets you easily find and manage your AirStation from your Android device.
To use "StationRadar", your Android device should be connected to the same network as your AirStation.
- Find your AirStation
- Access Settings and manage your AirStation
- Check AirStation's status
Compatible Products: AirStations that support configuration from mobile devices. (*)
* For the products below, update the firmware to version 2.08 or later before using this application.
- WZR-1166DHP
- WZR-1750DHP
- HTC devices sometimes cannot search for AirStations due to device restrictions.
- 尋找你的AirStation
- 訪問設置和管理您的AirStation
- 檢查AirStation的狀態
兼容產品:支持從移動設備配置的AirStation。 (*)
- WZR-1166DHP
- WZR-1750DHP
- 宏達電的設備有時無法搜索,由於設備限制的AirStation。