In the Kingdom of Elektropia, a king rules with an iron fist, combating and destroying a sect of technological wizards who have a massive tower in the middle of the city named Teslagrad.
Teslagrad is a 2D puzzle-platformer with action elements where magnetism and other electromagnetic powers are the key to go throughout the game, and thereby discover the secrets kept in the long abandoned Tesla Tower. Embark on an adventure as a young boy armed with ancient Teslamancer technology. Forge your path through the Tesla Tower and overcome the huge variety of challenges and enigmas.
Released first on PC with over 1,6 million copies sold, we’re proud to share with you this experience carefully adapted for mobile devices.
Main Features:
● Hand-made graphics / Unique Art Style
● Innovative gameplay with different mechanics to unlock
● Visual storytelling! No texts, just the game and you
● Old-school boss fights!
● Support MFI controllers
● One time payment to download (Absolutely NO ads and NO in-app payments)
If you experience any issue with Teslagrad, please contact our customer support at and give us as much information as possible on your problem.
在 5 月 22 日之前節省高達 90%!
在 Elektropia 王國,一位國王以鐵腕統治,打擊並摧毀了一個技術巫師教派,他們在城市中心有一座巨大的塔,名為 Teslagrad。
Teslagrad 是一款帶有動作元素的 2D 平台解謎遊戲,其中磁力和其他電磁能量是通關遊戲的關鍵,從而發現長期廢棄的特斯拉塔中的秘密。作為一個擁有古老特斯拉術士技術的小男孩踏上冒險之旅。通過特斯拉塔開闢你的道路,克服各種各樣的挑戰和謎團。
首次在 PC 上發布,已售出超過 160 萬份,我們很自豪地與您分享這種為移動設備精心打造的體驗。
● 手工圖形/獨特的藝術風格
● 具有不同解鎖機制的創新遊戲玩法
● 視覺敘事!沒有文字,只有遊戲和你
● 老派的老闆打架!
● 一次性付費下載(絕對沒有廣告和應用內支付)
● 針對 NVIDIA SHIELD 和 Android TV 進行了優化
● 支持外接控制器
● 觸覺和 FPS 解鎖選項
如果您在使用 Teslagrad 時遇到任何問題,請通過 聯繫我們的客戶支持,並就您的問題向我們提供盡可能多的信息。