The Journey - Surf Game


"The real surf experience"
Surf over 300 waves from around the world, ride boards from the top shapers and style out with well-known brands in The Journey Surf!

YouRiding The Journey is a free-to-play mobile surf game developed by Intellysurf, the online game developer and publisher of YouRiding since 2007, the surfing and bodyboarding browser game with over 1 million players worldwide!

With an impressive selection of over 300 real waves, stunning graphics and intuitive touch-screen controls, YouRiding The Journey makes it easy to travel the world, ride perfect waves, get barreled and pull off big moves no matter where you are!

"A delightful resurrection of surf video games". - STAB Magazine

"It’s pretty damn fun, even for a decided non-gamer like myself." - Justin Houseman, Surfer Magazine

"The game is sick fun". - Matt Wilkinson (Current world number one)

"Best surf game ever! Finally, someone decided to come out with a real surf game. This is by far the best surfing game app out there! Nothing even gets close." - Player - Terry Weissman

-Free to play
- Over 300 real waves including Pipeline, Teahupoo, Mundaka, Snapper Rocks and Trestles
- Real-life physics that create realistic riding moves like the power carve, nosepick, tailblow and airs
- Customization with real products from such brands like Superbrand, Quiksilver, Rip Curl and more
- Detailed tutorials and riding tips from real pros and world champions including Matt Wilkinson, Kanoa Igarashi, Ry Craike, Balaram Stack and many more
- Ability to invite your friends to play online
- Constant graphics enhancement and updates, as well as optimization for various devices

Download The Journey now for FREE!

Languages supported:
- English
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- French

"Never Stop Riding"

Follow us on social media: @YouRidingGames
For more information please visit:

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周遊世界衝浪300 THE BEST波組成的一爭高下的朋友們!


“的衝浪視頻遊戲一個愉快的復活”。 - STAT3雜誌

“這是非常有趣的該死,即使像我這樣的決定的非遊戲玩家。” - 衝浪雜誌

“這場比賽是生病了樂趣。” - 馬特·威爾金森(世界衝浪聯盟(WSL)前10名衝浪者)

“最好的衝浪遊戲永遠!最後,有人決定拿出一個真正的衝浪比賽。這是迄今為止最好的衝浪遊戲應用程序在那裡!甚至沒有接近得到。” - 播放器 - 特里韋斯曼

- 超過300個真正的海浪,包括管道,的Teahupoo,門達卡,鯛魚岩石和支撐架
- 創造逼真的騎馬像移動電源雕琢,nosepick,tailblow和架子現實生活中的物理
- 自定義從這樣的品牌,如正大,Quiksilver的,里普柯爾和更真實的產品
- 真正的優點和世界冠軍,包括Ry的Craike,巴拉拉姆棧和更多的詳細教程和騎馬技巧
- 能夠邀請您的朋友在線玩
- 常量圖形增強和更新,以及優化各種設備
- 世界巡迴賽與真正的排名!你能贏得聯賽冠軍?


- 英語
- 葡萄牙語
- 西班牙
- 法國



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