The Walking Zombie: Dead City


Fight various zombies (zombie prisoners, zombie dogs, zombie cheerleaders, gunmen or epic boss monsters) with more than 10 different weapons! Enjoy great cartoon graphics and try to survive zombie apocalypse with your reliable 3D pixel gun that can be upgraded to inflict more damage, be more accurate, reload faster or have more ammo. Day by day, enemy by enemy, no walking dead can remain unkilled if you and entire human race should survive. Zombie games were never more entertaining!

* Epic 3D pixel cartoon graphics
* Zombies reacting to being hit and falling apart with multiple hits - effects on various dead are different
* Zombie blood and gore everywhere!
* Intuitive controls making zombie killing much more fun
* 20+ different zombie types - shooting zombie, dog zombie, prisoner zombie etc
* Huge boss monsters
* Arena bonus mode - kill as many zombies as you can using only melee weapon
* 10+ different weapons, from revolver and assault rifle to overkill weapons like rocket launcher, you don't need to fear the walking dead anymore
* Many maps with different visual themes and enemy routes
* Hit zones - many enemies will fall down after precise kill shot to the head
* Shooting games are about skill - survive with enough health and have high % of headshots and get bonus rewards!
* Rail shooter

The world after zombie apocalypse is dangerous place, but you are ready for its challenges! Pick up weapon and have some fun with zombie shooting - don't stop your trigger until all dead are...completely dead. Get reward for your hard work and unlock new weapons, upgrade current ones and just kill as many walking dead as possible. This is a zombie game where your skills really matter! In the world of The walking zombie: Dead city, you can have only one of these two roles - either zombie killer or zombie dinner.

The walking zombie: Dead city is free zombie killing game so don't worry, you will only lose your flesh and brains in worst case scenario. Shooting games are always fun, but this one will take take your heart (and brains).

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*殭屍對多次擊中擊中和摔倒的反應 - 對各種死亡的影響是不同的
* 20多種不同的殭屍類型 - 射擊殭屍,狗殭屍,囚犯殭屍等
*競技場獎勵模式 - 盡可能使用近戰武器殺死盡可能多的殭屍
* 10多種不同的武器,從左輪手槍和突擊步槍到像火箭發射器這樣的過度殺傷武器,你不需要再害怕行屍走肉了
*命中區域 - 許多敵人在精確擊殺頭部後會掉下來
*射擊遊戲是關於技能 - 在足夠的健康狀態下生存,並且有很高的爆頭率並獲得獎勵!

殭屍大災難之後的世界是危險的地方,但你已經準備好迎接它的挑戰了!拿起武器並與殭屍射擊有一些樂趣 - 不要停止你的觸發器,直到所有死者......完全死亡。為你的辛勤工作獲得獎勵,並且解鎖新武器,升級現有武器並儘可能多地殺死行屍走肉。這是一個殭屍遊戲,你的技能真的很重要!在行走的殭屍世界:死亡之城,你可以只有這兩個角色中的一個 - 殭屍殺手或殭屍晚餐。


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