TouchUp Lite - Photo Editor


Easily bring out the best in your Photo's with TouchUp Lite!

Quick, clean User Interface lets you edit photos in a matter of seconds. In terms of ease of use, this is hands down the best Photo Editing application on the App Store today!

Gone are the clunky buttons, over-designed interfaces and boring menu's. We've created a simple, lightweight interface that gets out of your way and lets you work with ease.

Simple to use, but still powerful.

Features Include:
* Load pictures from Camera or Library
* Red Eye Removal
* Pimple / Blemish Removal)
* Contrast / Brightness
* Hue / Saturation
* Rotation / Flip
* Cropping
* Resize on Save
* Unlimited Undo / Redo
* Extremely stable, no freezing/crashing


TouchUp Pro has a number of "1-click" effects:
* Auto-Contrast
* Auto Brightness
* B & W
* Vignette
* Vintage
* Sepia
* Red Pop
* Dark Pop
* Deep Purple
* Green Tint
* High Contrast
* Low Saturation
* High Saturation

All effects are stackable. Combine them to make a ton of different looks.

We also offer a number of "Advanced Effects"
* Advanced Vignette
* Advanced Vintage
* Advanced Sepia
* RGB Channels
* Sharpness / Blur

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** NOTE: TouchUp Lite now supports saving, it is fully functional, though some advanced features are disabled **

Maybe the easiest Photo Editor you'll ever use...

Quick, clean User Interface lets you edit photos in a matter of seconds. In terms of ease of use, this is hands down the best Photo Editing application on Android today!

Optimized for all screen sizes, it runs great on a handset, but feels absolutely perfect with your Tablet device.

Gone are the clunky buttons, over-designed interfaces and boring menu's. We've created a simple, lightweight interface that gets out of your way and lets you work with ease.

Simple to use, but still powerful.

Features Include:
* Load pictures from Camera or Library
* Red Eye Removal
* Pimple / Blemish Removal)
* Sharpness / Blur
* Contrast / Brightness
* Hue / Saturation
* Rotation / Flip
* Cropping
* Resize on Save
* Unlimited Undo / Redo
* Extremely stable, no freezing/crashing

TouchUp Pro has a number of "1-click" effects:
* Auto-Contrast
* Auto Brightness
* Vintage Photo
* B & W
* Vignette
* Sepia
* Red Pop
* Dark Pop
* Deep Purple
* Green Tint
* High Contrast
* Low Saturation
* High Saturation

All effects are stackable. Combine them to make a ton of different looks.

We also offer a number of "Advanced Effects" which you can fine-tune:
* Advanced Vignette
* Advanced Vintage Photo
* Advanced Sepia
* RGB Channels

[edit, photos, edit photos, edit pics, pictures, camera, sepia, redeye, red eye, crop, rotate, fx, effects, sharpen images, sharpen]






* 色相飽和度

* B&W
* 深紫色
* 高對比度


* RGB通道


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