Control trains barrelling through famous American locations, sky high over Miami Beach, through the underground of New York City, balancing above the Grand Canyon and more.
THIS IS NO SIMULATION - JUST SUPER FUN! Become a Train Conductor today.
"Train Conductor 2 is addicting, chaotic fun" -
"The game oozes with charm and polish" -
"Train Conductor 2: USA is a must-own game" -
"Completely worth every penny." -
"The gameplay in this app is phenomenal! I'm totally addicted to this, and I just cannot put my iPad down because of it. It's challenging enough to keep you coming back for more, but easy enough so you don't feel like it's a hopeless cause. Can't wait to show it off to my friends!" - Joey702 - Satisfied User
Each train needs to be connected to a particular train track, which is shown by the track number on top of the train. With the swipe of a finger connect the train to the right track, and stop any trains that are going to collide by tapping on them.
=== Train Conductor WORLD is OUT NOW! ===
Adventure across new terrain and connect the wonders of the European continent. Your trains will be barreling across the canals of Amsterdam, zooming around the Arc De Triomphe in Paris and navigating the perilous peak of the Matterhorn. Download it on the App Store today.
- Thank you fans! We <3 you :D Keep on Conducting!
✔ 來自gizmodo.com的玩家評論道:《火車指揮員2》真是太讓人著迷了,雜亂無章但十分有趣!
✔ 來自TouchGen.net的玩家評論道:《火車指揮員2》十分有魅力,堪稱完美。
✔ 來自DiyGamer.com的玩家評論道:《火車指揮員2》,必須承認這是一款好遊戲!
✔ 在遊戲中,除了訪問紐約,拉斯維加斯,大峽谷等耳熟能詳的旅遊名勝以外,還可以領略到羅斯維爾,邁阿密海灘,那什維爾等地特殊風光!
✔ 從阿拉斯加到幽靈鬼怪之地,從紐約市到納什維爾,每個美國名勝的都會有獨一無二挑戰,讓你為之感慨萬千!
✔ 《火車指揮員2》就像是一份八種口味的冰激凌,讓你每次都會有不同的味覺體驗,感受更多的美國本土風情。
✔ 除了蒸汽火車,地下鐵這些一般的火車,還有超絢的黃金車等特色火車,等著你來駕馭哦!
✔ 更有特別的雪犁火車,用來摧毀雪怪的邪惡計劃哦!
✔ 操作方式簡單,只需滑動手指,指引火車去往正確的目的地即可!
✔ 在傳統模式裡,除了無限暢玩外,你還需要你盡可能多的運送火車你打破你的最高紀錄!
✔ 挑戰模式中,在規定的時間內運送出更多的火車,才能成為合格的指揮員!
✔ 背景音樂均為完整的原聲大碟,讓你在闖關遊戲的同時享受關卡中優美的音樂旋律。
✔ 你還可以使用簡單的方法,在火車站中獲得火車執照。