#1 BEST IPHONE GAME OF THE YEAR - Gamezebo, 2014:
"The touchscreen controls are as precise as the level design, and the level design is exemplary. This isn’t just a good example of how to do a platformer on mobile, this is a good example of how to do a platformer period.".
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- Promoted "Best New Game" by Apple
- "Best iPhone Game of 2014" by Gamezebo
- #1 Hot Game @ Touch Arcade
- PocketGamer GOLD AWARD
- Gamezebo (earlier review): "Hands down, this is one of the best games of 2014"
- Touch Arcade: Rated 5 / 5
- ArcadeLife: Rated 9.5 / 10
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TRAPS N' GEMSTONES is an adventurous platform game, among gamers typically known as the "Metroidvania" genre, from Donut Games, the developer behind chart-toppers Traffic Rush, Sunday Lawn, the "Rat On A" series and many others.
Precious relics have suddenly started to disappear from a well-hid pyramid that has been guarded by Bedouins for generations, who claim to have spotted an unknown perpetrator.
As a freelance archaeologist and expert on ancient explorations, you've been secretly called in to Egypt to help them solve the mystery.
Arriving at the pyramid's entrance empty handed, your journey starts off by searching some well-known chambers for items and weapons to help you on your quest.
But as you get deeper into the pyramid, you begin to realize that this mystery will require more than just a whip, a sharp mind and a good amount of explosives to unravel.
- Easy to use D-PAD controls
- Non-linear gameplay: Walk around and explore freely
- Non-destructive gameplay: When failing, you don't restart from the beginning, but at the entrance of the current chamber
- MAP OVERVIEW: Keep track of visited areas
- INVENTORY OVERVIEW: Keep track of found weapons, items and relics
- VARIETY IN GAMEPLAY: Run, roll, swim, slide, ride mine carts, etc
- NO IN-APP PURCHASES: Buy the game, get everything
- Game Center support
- Widescreen support
- MFi Controller support
- ION Arcade Controller support
- Universal App (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)
- Real-time sound spatialization: Hear the sound dynamically adapt to your surroundings, from large chambers to underwater swims
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- PocketGamer.co.uk: "Traps n' Gemstones has come out of nowhere and whipped us round the chops with its excellence"
- GAME OF THE YEAR, GameZebo 2014
- PocketGamer GOLD AWARD
- Touch Arcade: Rated 5 / 5
- ArcadeLife: Rated 9.5 / 10
TRAPS N' GEMSTONES is an adventurous platform game, among gamers typically known as the "Metroidvania" genre, from Donut Games, the developer behind chart-toppers Traffic Rush, Sunday Lawn, the "Rat On A" series and many others.
Precious relics have suddenly started to disappear from a well-hid pyramid that has been guarded by Bedouins for generations, who claim to have spotted an unknown perpetrator.
As a freelance archaeologist and expert on ancient explorations, you've been secretly called in to Egypt to help them solve the mystery.
Arriving at the pyramid's entrance empty handed, your journey starts off by searching some well-known chambers for items and weapons to help you on your quest.
But as you get deeper into the pyramid, you begin to realize that this mystery will require more than just a whip, a sharp mind and a good amount of explosives to unravel.
- Easy to use D-PAD controls
- Non-linear gameplay: Walk around and explore freely
- Non-destructive gameplay: When failing, you don't restart from the beginning, but at the entrance of the current chamber
- Versatile controls: Run, roll, swim, slide, ride mine carts, etc
- MAP OVERVIEW: Keep track of visited areas
- INVENTORY OVERVIEW: Keep track of found weapons, items and relics
- NO IN-APP PURCHASES: Buy the game, get everything
- Real-time sound spatialization: Hear the sound dynamically adapt to your surroundings, from large chambers to underwater swims
- 年度遊戲,GameZebo 2014
- PocketGamer GOLD AWARD
- Touch Arcade:額定5/5
- ArcadeLife:評分9.5 / 10
TRAPS N'GEMSTONES是一款冒險平台遊戲,通常被稱為“Metroidvania”類型的遊戲玩家,來自Donut Games,排行榜榜首的Traffic Rush,Sunday Lawn,“Rat On A”系列等等。
- 易於使用的D-PAD控制
- 非線性遊戲玩法:四處走走,自由探索
- 非破壞性遊戲:當失敗時,你不會從一開始就重新啟動,而是在當前房間的入口處重啟
- 多功能控制:跑,滾,游泳,滑動,騎礦車等
- 地圖概述:跟踪訪問區域
- 庫存概述:跟踪發現的武器,物品和文物
- 沒有應用內購買:購買遊戲,獲得一切
- 實時聲音空間化:聽到聲音動態適應周圍環境,從大型室到水下游泳