Udemy for Government


Udemy for Government features 3,000+ top-rated content for you to learn new skills anytime, anywhere. From software development, IT, design, leadership to communication skills, the Udemy for Government mobile app puts the freshest, most in-demand content in your hands. Upskill your talents and learn from highly respected real-world practitioners, thought leaders, and experts from around the world.

*A Udemy for Government license is required to access this app.

- Stream course videos, listen to audio lectures and view course materials
- Discover and search for relevant content
- View archived or favorite courses with just a few taps
- Optimal learning with the ability to take quizzes or practice exams on your phone
- Download and watch lessons offline
- Set your own pace and choose different speed options
- Interact with instructors through our Q&A feature

About Udemy for Government:
Udemy for Government helps agencies deliver excellence in today’s rapidly changing workplace by offering fresh, on-demand learning content through a powerful content marketplace. Our mission is to help civil servants do whatever comes next- whether that’s the next project to tackle, skill to learn or role to master. Leading organizations including the Singapore Civil Service College, Australian Tax Office, Islamic University of Gaza, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, and APEC choose Udemy for Government to upskill their workforce and drive learning forward.

*A Udemy for Government license is required to access this app. If you are unsure if your company has Udemy, check with your IT or L&D and HR Team*

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學習使用Udemy for Government App
Udemy for Government擁有3,000多種頂級內容,讓您隨時隨地學習新技能。從軟件開發,IT,設計,領導到溝通技巧,Udemy for Government移動應用程序將最新鮮,最受歡迎的內容放在您的手中。提升您的才能,向來自世界各地的備受尊敬的現實世界的實踐者,思想領袖和專家學習。

*訪問此應用程序需要Udemy for Government許可證。

- 精簡課程視頻,聽音頻講座和查看課程資料
- 發現並蒐索相關內容
- 只需輕點幾下即可查看存檔或喜愛的課程
- 最佳學習能力,可以在手機上進行測驗或練習考試
- 離線下載和觀看課程
- 設定自己的節奏,選擇不同的速度選項
- 通過我們的問答功能與教師互動

關於Udemy for Government:
Udemy for Government通過強大的內容市場提供全新的按需學習內容,幫助代理商在當今瞬息萬變的工作環境中實現卓越。我們的使命是幫助公務員做下一件事 - 無論是下一個要解決的項目,要學習的技能還是要掌握的角色。包括新加坡公務員學院,澳大利亞稅務局,加沙伊斯蘭大學,昆士蘭消防和緊急服務局以及亞太經合組織在內的領先組織選擇Udemy for Government來提升他們的勞動力並推動學習。

*訪問此應用程序需要Udemy for Government許可證。如果您不確定您的公司是否有Udemy,請諮詢您的IT或L&D和HR團隊*

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