Part Spider, Part Velociraptor, it's Velocispider!!! Take control of a heavily armed araknasaur in this retro arcade shoot-em-up.
Your delicious endangered eggs have attracted the taste buds of the evil CEO of the Robot Seafood Corporation. He will stop at nothing to feast on your eggs, defend them from his relentless army of aquatic robot beasts.
IGN: "The best dinosaur spider cyborg game ever created."
Touch Arcade: "Velocispider is a ton of fun. The game is gorgeous, in a pixel art and chiptune sort of way. The art is full of character, and that character is super ridiculous. I can't decide if I love the drop sharks (manta rays?) or the bomber whales more."
Games Radar: "It's a simple arcade-like shooter, but Velocispider's sharp aesthetics and approachable play mechanics make for a stellar iOS experience that's an easy recommendation on both iPad and iPhone."
In your arsenal:-
Awesome power ups
Game Center leaderboards
Sweet pixel art
Thumping tunes
Smooth tilt controls
Game Center achievements
Retina & Universal app support
“最好的方面Velocispider是夢幻般的16位的視覺效果和幽默感,經常發表在簡短的剪輯場景,強調可笑的性質,這個簡單的街機遊戲。為99美分,你會得到一個迷人的小雲雀的iPhone,iPod Touch和iPad在Velocispider,一個輕鬆愉快的商場除了“ - 小宅
“這麼多的移動遊戲一樣,Velocispider成功不是因為它是一個很大的適應一個傳統的控制台經驗,或因為它有一個新的遊戲掛鉤,但因為它需要一個已經建立的想法,並提出了一個荒謬的新的需要就可以了。這是在樣的商場經驗,你拿起和發揮了幾分鐘,不僅是因為它的經典遊戲仍然是有趣的今天,但由於其設置和審美不禁讓你的微笑。“ - IGN
“Velocispider是固定的射手,超簡單的傾斜控制你的火不斷向上的Aquabots他們來殺了你,偷你的蛋”......“如果你喜歡我什麼,驚險的戰鬥掀起波瀾水生生物機器人與一個全副武裝的半蜘蛛的怪物,半迅猛Araknasaur使Velocispider一個簡單的團購“ - 觸摸遊戲”太空侵略者,小蜜蜂,和後衛究竟是如何發揮出你所期望的一個老斯庫爾街機標題的混合玩了。這是安慰說:固體。“ - 掌上遊戲機