Weather Clock Widget


Everything you want to know about weather at a glance! Based on an original idea, Weather Clock lets you put a simple, smart and beautiful animated clock with hour-by-hour weather forecast right on your Today screen (Lock screen). Just take a look on the clock and you’ll be informed when you should take an umbrella or what are the best times to tan.

• Free
• Original idea
• Intuitive and easy to use
• Eight types of weather data
• Animated Today screen Extension
• Local and international locations
• Local and world time
• Multiple icon sets
• 3D-touch widget for Home Screen
• Apple Watch weather app and complications
• iMessage weather app
• Visual themes. Enjoy 7 new themes!
• Night mode. Use scheduler to switch between your favorite themes.
• Siri support. Use Siri to show WeatherClock widget with the most accurate hour-by-hour weather forecast.

Product details:

• iOS 8/9/10/11/12+ Today screen extension and full-screen weather app for iPhone and iPad
• Weather data for more than 1 million locations worldwide
• “Follow me” location (it updates when you open the app, so you always know your local weather)
• Locations can be added by GPS, U.S. Zip Code, or by browsing the location list
• Integrated with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Hour-by-hour weather forecast includes:

• Temperature of air
• "Feels like" temperature
• Humidity
• Dew point
• Chance of precipitations
• Wind speed and direction
• Geomagnetic activity
• UV index

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Check the Current Time and Weather Condition.
Simple and fast

Application uses less battery power.

Weather Clock Widget is a replacement lock screen clock widget for Android 4.2+.

To add the widget to your Android 4.2 device's lock screen, simply swipe to the left-most page of your lock screen and touch the "+" icon. Then, select "Weather Clock Widget" to customize and add the widget. You can make this the primary lock screen widget, replacing the default clock, by first touching-and-holding it and then dragging it horizontally to the very rightmost position.

**Before running the application configuration is required.
SETTING: Settings->Location services->GPS satellites enable

To add a widget to a Home screen, follow these steps:
1. Touch and hold any empty section of a Home screen.
2. Touch Widgets.
3. Touch and hold a widget. You’ll see images of each Home screen.
4. Slide the widget to the Home screen image you prefer, then lift your finger.
or Home->Application Menu->Widget

Forecast On/Off: Touch the Weather Image


天氣時鐘Widget是一個替代鎖屏時鐘部件的Andr​​oid 4.2+。

到小部件添加到您的Andr​​oid 4.2設備的鎖屏,只需輕掃你的鎖屏界面的最左邊的頁面,並觸摸“+”圖標。然後,選擇“天氣時鐘小工具”來定制,並添加小部件。您可以將其作為主鎖屏小部件,更換默認的時鐘,首先觸摸 - 夾持,然後橫向拖動到非常最右邊的位置。

地點:設置 - >位置服務 - > GPS衛星啟用

或首頁 - >應用程序菜單 - >控件


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