WizKids Games Companion


Bring a free digital twist to your next game night!

The WizKids Games Companion offers a scoring helper for the Fantasy Realms card game and Curio: The Lost Temple.

Fantasy Realms - After your game is complete, you can simplify scoring by inputting your cards into the app and instantly see who won. Its also a handy lookup of all cards in the Fantasy Realms game.

Curio: The Lost Temple - Use this app to replace the Hourglass Module in Curio. The Hourglass seeks to bury you in the sands of time unless you turn it constantly - don't let the sand run out or you'll be buried forever!!

The app is available for free... just in time for your next gaming session!

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WizKids Games Companion為Fantasy Realms紙牌遊戲和Curio:The Lost Temple提供了一個得分助手。

幻想領域 - 遊戲完成後,您可以通過將卡片輸入應用程序並立即查看獲勝者來簡化評分。它還可以方便地查找Fantasy Realms遊戲中的所有卡片。

古玩:失落的神廟 - 使用此功能取代古玩中的沙漏模塊。 Curio最神秘的秘密之一是沙漏。它以某種方式控制時間和沙子進入太陽穴的流量。保持沙漏不被排空,以免被埋沒!


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