WowApp - Earn. Share. Do Good


Earn. Share. Do Good

WowApp is a FREE revolutionary platform that allows you to earn as a result of your daily activities. Once you have earned real money with WowApp, the choice is yours: you can either cash out for yourself or choose to do good for others by donating to one of the nearly 2,000 supported charities, in over 110 countries.
Truthful to our mission statement, we ourselves share 70-80% of our net revenues with our members! We are thus trying to build a more equitable world that would put a stop to the insane income inequality in our world.

Now, the 8 wealthiest people in the world have more wealth than 3,678,500,000 (3,678 Billion) people; yes that’s right: 8 people own more than 50% of the world’s population combined.
And, the top 1% richest people today own more than all the other 99%!
Based on the Wowism ideology, WowApp was born as a solution to this problem.
Our logo is a visual reminder of our attempt to initiate a movement that transfers wealth from those who don’t need it to those who need it. We do this by introducing a New Sharing Economy where the MAJORITY of economic benefit is shared with the community.
Inside the new WowApp sharing economy, you can earn from the many activities that you were doing before for free. With WowApp you can earn from:

CHAT: Earn and Do Good by simply keeping in touch with your friends
GAMES: Earn and Do Good by playing your favorite games
TALK: Earn and Do Good by getting cashback if you need to make paid calls at super low rates
SHOPPING ONLINE: Earn cashback and Do Good when purchasing from over 10,000 online shops, worldwide
INSTANT EARN: Earn instantly and Do Good from our daily offers
SMART WEB: Earn WowCoins and Do Good by browsing the internet, reading news, completing surveys and shopping online
NEWS: Earn and Do Good while reading your favorite news, directly from your phone or computer. Customize your Newsreader with topics, languages and publishers of your choice.

We’re constantly working on adding more income generating opportunities for you, so join us today and start earning what’s rightfully yours.

WowApp is free! Our community members do not pay anything in order to earn.

And most importantly, every day you use WowApp, you do good in the world because a part of your daily earnings from each activity is automatically donated to the charity

The power is in your hands. Join the WowApp community and start Earning Sharing Doing good.

Some chat features such as Share Location are location based.
For the best chat experience WowApp requires access to Notifications, Address Book and Gallery/Camera.
Microphone access is required in order to use the Calling feature.

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WowApp 幫助您賺取、分享和做好事。

WowApp 是一個免費的革命性平台,可讓您通過日常活動贏得獎勵。一旦您獲得了 WowApp 的獎勵,選擇權在您手中:您可以為自己兌現,也可以選擇向 110 多個國家/地區的 2,000 個支持的慈善機構之一捐款,為他人做好事。

收入不平等是我們這個時代的決定性挑戰!基於 Wowism 思想,WowApp 就是為了解決這個問題而誕生的。通過全民基本收入 (UBI),我們希望創造一個人人都有權獲得日常收入的世界。

在 WowApp 共享經濟中,您可以從以前免費進行的許多活動中贏取獎勵。使用 WowApp,您可以獲得以下獎勵:
• 全民基本收入 (UBI):收集您的日常數字收入
• 遊戲:玩您最喜歡的遊戲,贏取獎勵並做好事
• 網上購物:從全球 10,000 多家網上商店購物,即可獲得現金返還並做好事
• 談話:如果您需要以超低費率撥打付費電話,則通過獲得現金返還來贏得獎勵並做好事
• 即時賺取:立即贏取獎勵並從我們的每日優惠中做好事
• 商店信用:做好並獲得可轉換為禮品卡的現金返還

WowApp 是免費的!我們的社區成員不會為了獲得獎勵而支付任何費用。
最重要的是,您每天使用 WowApp,您都在為世界做好事,因為您從每項活動中獲得的每日獎勵的一部分會自動捐贈給您選擇的慈善機構。想像一個我們每個人每天都是恩人的世界!
邀請您的朋友加入 WowApp,每天一起使用該應用程序的許多強大功能。您和您的網絡成員越活躍,您獲得的獎勵就越多!
權力在你手中。加入 WowApp 社區並開始賺取分享做善事!

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