Wrestling Revolution 3D


The Wrestling Revolution rumbles into the 3rd dimension - now featuring BOTH aspects of the business in ONE shared universe! A wrestling career challenges you to take shots in the ring, whereas a "booking" career allows you to call the shots backstage - promoting entertaining matches every week for ratings. Seeing each side of the curtain gives you an even better appreciation for the other, and ensures you'll never grow bored of wrestling again! Both modes are available to play for free, with the option to upgrade to enjoy the "Pro" experience with no ads or limitations.

And if playing Pro isn't enough, a separate "Backstage Pass" allows you to play God by saving your changes to all 9 rosters before pitting them against each other in dream matches of your own creation! With 4 pages of rules to mix & match - including up to 20 wrestlers in rings of any shape or size - the only limit is your imagination. You can also blow off steam with no pressure by revisiting the 8 weeks of free shows from the game's promotional tour. Not to mention the interactive training process that teaches you how to lock up in the first place.

The game features an interactive tutorial that you are advised to play through, but the basic controls are as follows:
CURSORS = Movement (double-tap to dash)
A = Attack (with a direction to aim high, without to aim low)
G = Grapple
R = Run
P = Pick-Up / Drop (with a direction to throw)
T = Taunt / Pin / Referee duties
EYE = Change focus / Turn opponent around
HEALTH METER = Switch character
CLOCK = Pause / Change camera angle

Although every effort has been made to keep performance as high as possible, some devices may benefit from a visit to the Options menu to fine tune the display:
- The number of characters is perhaps the biggest factor so consider turning off referees and setting a limit on the match size.
- If you don't want to sacrifice numbers, you can sacrifice polygons instead and opt for "Basic" character models (no fingers).
- The ropes are surprisingly demanding and you may squeeze in an extra character if you make them "Static".
- Turning off shadows and reducing crowd sprites may also help.

I regret that there's more to this game than I could ever fit in an app store description, so please consult the online guides for further reading:

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移動摔跤的重量級冠軍 - 慶祝超過6,000萬次下載!

“摔跤革命”掀起了第三個維度,現在它在一個史詩般的宇宙中展現了商業的兩個方面。摔跤生涯挑戰你在環中拍攝,而“預訂”職業允許你在後台發號施令 - 每週推廣有趣的比賽評級。看到窗簾的每一面都可以讓你更好地欣賞對方,並確保你再也不會厭倦摔跤了!這兩種模式都可以免費播放,可選擇升級以享受沒有廣告或限制的“專業”體驗。

如果玩Pro還不夠,單獨的“Backstage Pass”允許你通過將你的變化保存到所有9個名單來扮演上帝,然後在你自己創造的夢幻比賽中讓你的神仙與對方相互對抗!有4頁混合搭配規則 - 包括多達20個任意形狀或大小的戒指摔跤手 - 唯一的限制是你的想像力。您還可以通過重新訪問遊戲促銷之旅中的8週超級卡片,在沒有壓力的情況下吹滅蒸汽。更不用說交互式培訓過程,它教你如何鎖定在一開始。

CURSORS =運動(雙擊到破折號)
A =攻擊(瞄準方向高,不瞄準低)
G =格鬥
R =運行
P =上升/下降(有投擲方向)
T =嘲諷/別針/裁判職責
EYE =改變焦點/轉動對手
CLOCK =暫停/更改攝像機角度

*此遊戲還兼容Android控制器,如NVidia Shield 2k或MOGA Pro(“B”模式)。

- 字符數可能是最大的因素,因此請考慮關閉裁判並設置匹配大小的限制。
- 如果你不想犧牲數字,你可以犧牲多邊形而選擇“基本”角色模型(沒有手指)。
- 繩索的要求非常高,如果你把它們變成“靜態”,你可以擠出一個額外的角色。
- 關閉陰影和減少人群精靈也可能有所幫助。



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