Zombieville USA - one of the biggest hits on the app store! Over 1.5 million players and counting! Try it out for yourself and see why Zombieville USA is the definitive zombie experience on the App Store, spending more than 500 consecutive days in the US Top 100 charts!
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Welcome to Zombieville USA!
When your town is overrun by the walking dead, there's only one thing left to do - go through their pockets and look for loose change! As the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse, it's up to you to battle legions of the undead in a never ending fight for survival! How long can you hold out? Scrounge for cash and ammunition, and buy up to 15 upgradeable weapons as your inevitable doom closes in around you...
Zombieville USA combines the timeless appeal of classic arcade games with stunning graphics you have to see to believe.
- Defend yourself with 15 different weapons, from shotguns to chainsaws, even rockets, katanas and flamethrowers!
- Deceptively simple gameplay, with more depth than meets the eye. Manage your cash and ammo carefully, or become zombie chow!
- Be amazed by some of the most spectacular graphics and animation ever seen on a phone!
- Intuitive touch-screen controls are easy to pick up and play.
- Conveniently auto-saves your progress after each level - play at your own pace!
Be sure to check out the eye-popping trailer at www.zombievilleusa.com!
歡迎Zombieville USA!
這個應用程序已經重建與現代的Android版本的兼容性,現在已經是完全免費的。 ,沒有廣告沒有IAP,沒有廢話。一定要還檢查了它的驚人的續集,Zombieville USA 2,也可在最後在Android上!
當你的鎮由行屍走肉超限,還有一件事沒有做的事情 - 通過他們的口袋,找零錢!作為一個殭屍啟示的唯一的倖存者,這是由你來戰亡靈軍團在永無止境的戰鬥生存!你能堅持多久?攢夠現金和彈藥,以及購買多達18種不同的武器為你的必然毀滅你身邊關閉在...
Zombieville USA結合了經典街機遊戲與生動的動畫風格的永恆的吸引力。
- 捍衛自己與18種不同的武器,從霰彈槍到電鋸,甚至火箭,武士刀和火焰噴射器!
- 看似簡單的遊戲,有更深入比滿足眼睛。小心地管理你的現金和彈藥,或變成殭屍的食物!
- 合到所有車輛在路面飛濺殭屍位!
- 揭開其他倖存者躲在房子,誰將幫助玩家在反對不死無望的鬥爭。