instax SHARE


"instax SHARE"是一款FUJIFILM官方應用程式,可透過instax SHARE smartphone printer列印智慧手機中的影像。

"instax SHARE"是一款應用程式,可透過智慧手機印表機instax SHARE SP-1/SP-2/SP-3(FUJIFILM)列印智慧手機中的影像。只要在1分鐘內從智慧手機或平板電腦挑選拍得最棒的照片,就能得到instax漂亮的列印成品。

FUJIFILM instax SHARE Smartphone Printer SP-1/SP-2/SP-3

If you want to print a picture stored in iCloud, save it to your device first and then print it.

(2) Permissions setting of "instax SHARE" application.
Some or all of the functions can not be used unless you enable the following permissions of "instax SHARE" application.
Please enable the authority by referring to the following procedure.
After installation, you will be asked for permission when using the following functions for the first time, please enable it.
The "Take a picture" function need the "Camera" permission.
The "Real time template" function need the "Camera" permission and the "Location" permission.
"Selection from Photos" function need the "Photos" permission.

If the authority is set to invalid, please enable it with the following operation.
--Example of operation on iPhone 6s (iOS 10.3.3)--
1.Tap "Settings"
2.Tap "instax SHARE"
Please enable all of "Camera" "Photo" "Location".
Note: If you have not used the following functions ,these permission settings wil not be displayed.
The "Camera" permission has required by the "Take a picture" function and the "Real time template" function.
"Location" permission has required by the "Real time template" function.
The "Photos" permission has required by the "Selection from Photos" function.

1. 開啟印表機。
2. **重要事項** 從智慧手機裝置的「設定」應用程式,選擇「Wi-Fi」,開啟Wi-Fi,然後從「選擇網路…」清單中選擇並連接印表機SSID (INSTAX-xxxxxxxx,寫於印表機底部) (只需執行一次即可,下次將自動連接。)
3. 啟動instax SHARE應用程式。
4. 從Photos或SNS選擇影像,或使用智慧手機相機拍攝照片。
5. 選擇影像後,按下Edit編輯影像(縮放、旋轉、濾鏡和範本)。
6. 在範本張貼訊息(若選擇了接受文字的範本)。
7. 編輯完成後,按下「接上並打印」。
8. 若是第一次列印,系統將詢問您印表機的密碼,請輸入初始密碼(寫於印表機的使用者指南)。

[When you can not update in AppStore]

On the AppStore update screen, the instaxSHARE application is displayed in "Available Updates"
However ,Sometimes "Update button" has been changed to "open button",and con not be updated.

Please uninstall the instaxSHARE application and reinstall it.
(When reinstalling, "Reprint image" saved in the application will be cleared.)

取得  APP

"instax SHARE" 是一個應用程序,允許您從智能手機(平板電腦)打印圖像搭載了一台富士膠片官方的。

取得  APP