ki - 10th in "focus" (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp, th, ki, ci, sn, lo, ba, ov, sh, fi, do, ru & ti)
Tap to make each turn, timing is key. Simply, tap as close to each turn as you can - see what happens. The further away, the worse.
Get through as many turns as you can by tapping as close as you can before each kink. Each level gets more and more demanding, but the dynamic stays simple - just tap, anywhere on the screen.
You can also top the leaderboard and earn medals! (bronze, silver and gold). There's 100 levels to solve right now, intertwined with all sorts of tweaks and surprises. You can also go back and replay any level you've already passed, at any time (Choose Level). If you're stuck on a really tricky level, skip it! (Tap Skip on the Fail Screen) If you can't wait, unlock all 100 levels and replay at your own pace! (Choose Level > Unlock All Levels)
Thanks for all your support, I hope you're enjoying the "focus" series thus far.
Handmade in Australia,
General Adaptive
き - 10日在“焦點訪談”
き - 10日在“焦點”(AA,UU,FF,AU,RR,AO,RL,SP,日,奇,詞,SN,滷味,BA,OV,SH,網絡,做,RU&TI)
輕按,使每一輪,時間是關鍵。簡單地說,挖掘接近每轉一圈,你可以 - 看看會發生什麼。越遠,就越差。
通過盡可能多的轉彎讓你可以通過點擊盡可能靠近你可以在每次扭結之前。每個級別都變得越來越苛刻,但動態保持簡單 - 只需輕按,屏幕上的任何地方。
您也能頂排行榜,並獲得獎牌! (青銅,白銀和黃金)。有100級來解決,現在,交織著各種調整和驚喜。你也可以回去和重放你已經通過了所有的水平,在任何時候(選擇水平)。如果你被困在一個非常棘手的水平,跳過它! (點擊跳過對失敗屏幕)如果你等不及了,解開所有100級和回放自己的步伐! (選擇等級>解鎖所有級別)